Results for 'Igor G. Gasparov'

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  1.  14
    Panpsychism in the search of a self-definition. [REVIEW]Igor G. Gasparov - 2018 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 55 (2):212-219.
    This is a review of the book by Brüntrup & Jaskolla (eds.) “Panpsychism: Contemporary Perspectives” (Oxford University Press, 2017). The author provides a detailed overview and critical analysis of a recent volume which is dedicated to different aspects of contemporary panpsychism. Among its authors are prominent experts in analytic philosophy of mind such as David Chalmers, Galen Strawson, Gregg Rosenberg. A distinguished feature of this volume is that it presents not only well-known positions in philosophy of mind such as physicalism (...)
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    Policy Implications of Achievement Testing Using Multilevel Models: The Case of Brazilian Elementary Schools.Igor G. Menezes, Victor R. Duran, Euclides J. Mendonça Filho, Tainã J. Veloso, Stella M. S. Sarmento, Christine L. Paget & Kai Ruggeri - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Emergent Dualism and the Challenge of Vagueness.Igor Gasparov - 2015 - Faith and Philosophy 32 (4):432-438.
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  4. Some Question of the Metaphysics of Time.Igor Gasparov - 2010 - Analytica 4:38-49.
    In the paper I offer a brief overview of main problems in the contemporary metaphysics of time: debates on tensed and detensed theories of time and presentism-eternalism debate. I systematically expose the solutions from the point of view that the truth is grounded in reality and consider the main arguments for each position.
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    Multilevel Modeling and Policy Development: Guidelines and Applications to Medical Travel.Eduardo Garcia-Garzon, Peter Zhukovsky, Elisa Haller, Sara Plakolm, David Fink, Dafina Petrova, Vaishali Mahalingam, Igor G. Menezes & Kai Ruggeri - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Two Accounts of Deity: Classical Theism versus Theistic Personalism.Igor Gasparov - 2024 - Sophia 63 (2):279-293.
    In his recent paper, Page (International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 85, 297–317, 2019) raised the question of what, if anything, is it that distinguishes an account of a personal God, i.e., an account to which classical theists are committed, from an account of God as a person, i.e., an account of deity to which personal theists are committed. Page himself proposed ‘a criterial approach’ to understanding what is for God to be a person, according to which God is a (...)
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  7. The “Falling Elevator” and Resurrection from the Dead.Igor Gasparov - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 13 (1):83-102.
    In the paper I argue that the "falling elevator" model once proposed by Dean Zimmerman to improve some drawbacks of Peter van Inwagen's account of how a belief in Christian resurrection could be made compatible with a materialist understanding of human persons is not satisfactory. Christian resurrection requires not only a survival, but also true death of a person, while the falling elevator can merely provide us with an account of how a material person is able miraculously to escape its (...)
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  8. Substance Dualism and the Unity of Consciousness.Igor Gasparov - 2013 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 18 (1):109-123.
    In this paper I would like to defend three interconnected claims. The first stems from the fact that the definition of substance dualism recently proposed by Dean Zimmerman needs some essential adjustments in order to capture the genuine spirit of the doctrine. In this paper I will formulate the conditions for genuine substance dualism, as distinct from quasi-dualisms, and provide a definition for genuine substance dualism that I consider more appropriate than Zimmerman’s. The second is that none of the currently (...)
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  9. Аристотелевские» решения проблемы «материальной конституции.Igor Gasparov - 2017 - Schole 11 (1):144-165.
    In the article I consider various “Aristotelian” solutions to the problem of “material constitution.” First I provide a critical analysis of two solutions recently offered by Michael Rea and Kathrine Koslicki from a broadly Aristotelian perspective by arguing that both accounts of how a material whole could be constituted by its parts fall short from being satisfactory. Then I sketch how the problem in question could be solved in a more adequate way if based on Aristotelian metaphysics.
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  10. Parfit, Nihilism and Personal Identity.Igor Gasparov - 2007 - Analytica 1:10-36.
    In the paper I offer some criticisms on Parfitian account of personal identity. Firstly, I show that his view amounts to a position, wich I call 'nihilism', the view, that persons do not exist. Secondly, I argue that his account of personal identity is not consistent with the classical view of identity that Parfit seems to accept.
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  11.  63
    Epistemic authority and autonomy of the epistemic subject.Igor Gasparov - 2017 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 53 (3):108-122.
    The author considers the account of epistemic authority as it was proposed by Linda Zagzebski in her book “Epistemic Authority: A Theory of Trust, Authority, and Autonomy in Belief" [Zagzebski, 2012]. Zagzebski claims that the idea of epistemic authority could be reconciled with the modern idea of epistemic subject's autonomy without rejecting the principles of contemporary liberalism. The author aims to show that even if Zazgebski is right in claiming that epistemic authority and epistemic autonomy are closely connected to each (...)
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  12.  56
    Spiritual Exercises as an Essential Part of Philosophical Life.Igor Gasparov - 2014 - Dialogue and Universalism 24 (3):45-49.
    In my paper I will argue for the thesis that spiritual exercises are an essential part of every philosophical life. My arguments are partly historical, partly conceptual in their nature. First, I show that philosophy at each stage of its history was accompanied by spiritual exercises. Next, I provide a definition of spiritual exercises as genuinely philosophical activity. Then I show that the philosophical life cannot be complete if it does not include spiritual exercises.
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  13. Review of F. Wendt's «Libertäre politische Philosophie». [REVIEW]Igor Gasparov - 2011 - Analytica 5:79-86.
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  14.  15
    Cortisone replacement therapy in endocrine disorders – quality of self‐care.Igor A. Harsch, Andrea Schuller, Eckhart G. Hahn & Johannes Hensen - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (3):492-498.
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    The Mongolian Tanǰur Version of the Bodhicaryāvatāra. Edited and Transcribed, with a Word-Index and a Photo-Reproduction of the Original Text (1748)The Mongolian Tanjur Version of the Bodhicaryavatara. Edited and Transcribed, with a Word-Index and a Photo-Reproduction of the Original Text.G. Kara & Igor de Rachewiltz - 1997 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 117 (4):704.
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  16. Review of Y. Balashov's «Persistence and Spacetime». [REVIEW]Igor Gasparov - 2010 - Analytica 4:81-86.
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    On the micromechanical modelling of the effective diffusion coefficient of a polycrystalline material.Anna G. Knyazeva, Galina P. Grabovetskaya, Ivan P. Mishin & Igor Sevostianov - 2015 - Philosophical Magazine 95 (19):2046-2066.
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    G. F. Miller (Müller)—the First Archaeologist in Russia and the First Rector of Saint Petersburg University.Igor Tikhonov - 2019 - Acta Baltica Historiae Et Philosophiae Scientiarum 7 (1):81-96.
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    G.A. Cohen, the neglect of democratic self‐management, and the future of democratic socialism.Igor Shoikhedbrod - 2021 - Journal of Social Philosophy 54 (1):6-22.
  20.  18
    El Derecho a la Autoconservación En la Existencia En la Filosofía Del Derecho de Johann G. Fichte y En la Ética de Hermann Cohen.Héctor Oscar Arrese Igor - 2009 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 65:5-24.
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    Comparing quality of reporting between preprints and peer-reviewed articles in the biomedical literature.Olavo B. Amaral, Vanessa T. Bortoluzzi, Sylvia F. S. Guerra, Steven J. Burgess, Richard J. Abdill, Pedro B. Tan, Martin Modrák, Lieve van Egmond, Karina L. Hajdu, Igor R. Costa, Gerson D. Guercio, Flávia Z. Boos, Felippe E. Amorim, Evandro A. De-Souza, David E. Henshall, Danielle Rayêe, Clarissa B. Haas, Carlos A. M. Carvalho, Thiago C. Moulin, Victor G. S. Queiroz & Clarissa F. D. Carneiro - 2020 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 5 (1).
    BackgroundPreprint usage is growing rapidly in the life sciences; however, questions remain on the relative quality of preprints when compared to published articles. An objective dimension of quality that is readily measurable is completeness of reporting, as transparency can improve the reader’s ability to independently interpret data and reproduce findings.MethodsIn this observational study, we initially compared independent samples of articles published in bioRxiv and in PubMed-indexed journals in 2016 using a quality of reporting questionnaire. After that, we performed paired comparisons (...)
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  22.  32
    Acerca de la influencia de la teoría del Estado de Johann G. Fichte en la ética de Hermann Cohen.Héctor Oscar Arrese Igor - 2011 - Dianoia 56 (66):141-164.
    En este trabajo intento mostrar que existen diferencias importantes entre las concepciones del Estado de Hermann Cohen y de Johann Gottlieb Fichte. Por lo tanto, concluyo que la tesis de la influencia de la filosofía fichteana en la teoría de Cohen es problemática. In this paper I try to show that there are important differences between Hermann Cohen's and Johann Gottlieb Fichte's conceptions of the state. Therefore I conclude that the thesis of the influence of the Fichtean philosophy upon Cohen's (...)
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  23.  27
    Notes on the metrical semantics of Russian, French and German imitations of Janus Secundus’s Basium II.Igor Pilshchikov - 2012 - Sign Systems Studies 40 (1/2):155-175.
    This article links Konstantin Batiushkov’s poem Elysium (1810) to the tradition of poetic imitations of Janus Secundus’s Basium II. A French equivalent for this poem’s pythiambic distichs was invented by Ronsard (Chanson, 1578), who used cross-rhymed quatrains with regular alternation of dodecasyllabic and hexasyllablic lines. However, the French translators of Basia of the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries could not use this metre, because its semantic aura was drastically changed by Malherbe’s Consolation a Monsieur du Perier (1598). Batiushkov’s Elysium as (...)
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  24.  16
    Intercalary heterochromatin and genetic silencing.Igor F. Zhimulev & Elena S. Belyaeva - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (11):1040-1051.
    We focus here on the intercalary heterochromatin (IH) of Drosophila melanogaster and, in particular, its molecular properties. In the polytene chromosomes of Drosophila, IH is represented by a reproducible set of dense bands scattered along the euchromatic arms. IH contains mainly unique DNA sequences, and shares certain features with other heterochromatin types such as pericentric, telomeric, and PEV‐induced heterochromatin, the inactive mammalian X‐chromosome and the heterochromatized male chromosome set in coccids. These features are transcriptional silencing, chromatin compactness, late DNA replication, (...)
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  25.  36
    The Role of Quantum Mechanics in Understanding the Phenomenon of Consciousness.Igor V. Cherepanov & Черепанов Игорь Владимирович - 2022 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 26 (4):770-789.
    The article analyzes the effectiveness of quantum theories of mental experience in relation to two ontological problems - the problem of the existence of consciousness in the material world and the problem of the interaction of consciousness and body. A critical analysis of the quantum theories of consciousness by Penrose-Hameroff, M. Tegmark, G. Stapp, M. Fischer and M.B. Mensky shows that they fail to fully explain how complex physical systems generate mental experience without violating the principle of causal closure of (...)
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  26.  20
    The “Synthetic” Image of Jesus Christ in F.M. Dostoevsky’s Works and Its Origins in German Romantic Natural Philosophy.Igor I. Evlampiev & Vladimir N. Smirnov - 2020 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (5):87-106.
    The articles analyzes the original concept of immortality, presented by F.M. Dostoevsky in a handwritten sketch written on April 16, 1864, the day after the death of the writer’s first wife. The authors argue that this concept was created under the influence of the ideas of German romantic natural philosophy, in particular G.T. Fechner’s work of The Book of Life After Death (1836). According to the pantheistic ideas of Dostoevsky and Fechner, every person after death continues to exist in the (...)
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    Acerca de la teoría de la influencia del Estado de johann G. Fichte en la ética de Hermann Cohen.Hector Oscar Arrese Igor - 2011 - Dianoia 56 (66):141-164.
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  28. Prostranstvo i vremi︠a︡ v arkhaicheskikh kulʹturakh: materialy kollokviuma, provedennogo v g. Zvenigorode T︠S︡entrom t︠s︡ivilizat︠s︡ionnykh issledovaniĭ Instituta Afriki RAN, 29-31 okti︠a︡bri︠a︡ 1991 g.Igorʹ Vasilʹevich Sledzevskiĭ (ed.) - 1992 - Moskva: In-t Afriki RAN.
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  29. Selective and Ramsey Ultrafilters on G-spaces.Oleksandr Petrenko & Igor Protasov - 2017 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 58 (3):453-459.
    Let G be a group, and let X be an infinite transitive G-space. A free ultrafilter U on X is called G-selective if, for any G-invariant partition P of X, either one cell of P is a member of U, or there is a member of U which meets each cell of P in at most one point. We show that in ZFC with no additional set-theoretical assumptions there exists a G-selective ultrafilter on X. We describe all G-spaces X such (...)
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    Causation, Principle of Common Cause and Theoretical Explanation: Wesley C. Salmon and G. W. F. Hegel.Igor Hanzel - 2012 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 43 (1):29-44.
    The aim of this article is to analyze the main contributions of Wesley C. Salmon to the philosophy of science, that is, his concepts of causation, common cause, and theoretical explanation, and to provide a critique of them. This critique will be based on a comparison of Salmon's concepts with categories developed by Hegel in his Science of Logic, and which can be applied to the issues treated by Salmon by means of the above given three concepts. It is the (...)
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    Заметки о метрической семантике русских, французских и немецких переводов ≪Basium II≫ Иоанна Секунда. Резюме.Igor Pilshchikov - 2012 - Sign Systems Studies 40 (1/2):176-176.
    This article links Konstantin Batiushkov's poem Elysium to the tradition of poetic imitations of Janus Secundus's Basium II. A French equivalent for this poem's pythiambic distichs was invented by Ronsard, who used cross-rhymed quatrains with regular alternation of dodecasyllabic and hexasyllablic lines. However, the French translators of Basia of the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries could not use this metre, because its semantic aura was drastically changed by Malherbe's Consolation à Monsieur du Périer. Batiushkov's Elysium as well as its Latin (...)
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  32.  23
    Path of fear: Experiences of health professionals in the fight against COVID‐19.Flávia Regina S. Ramos, Denise Maria Guerreiro V. da Silva, Kássia Janara V. Lima, Wagner Ferreira Monteiro, Jaqueline de A. G. Sachett, Wuelton Monteiro, Darlisom Sousa Ferreira, Lucas Lorran C. de Andrade & Igor Castro Tavares - 2023 - Nursing Inquiry 30 (4):e12578.
    This study aimed to understand the expressions of fear in the journeys of health professionals who worked in the confrontation of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19), in the city of Manaus, in the Brazilian Western Amazon. This is an exploratory qualitative study that adopts interpretive description as a method to generate informed knowledge responsive to the needs of the practice. We included 56 participants, comprising 23 health managers and 33 health workers (middle and higher level) of different professional categories. The results (...)
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  33.  34
    Problems With the Notion of Freedom and Voluntariness in Right Libertarianism.Igor Wysocki - 2020 - Studia Humana 9 (2):127-134.
    In this short paper, we investigate the problems with the employment of the notion of freedom and voluntariness in libertarianism. We pretend to demonstrate that these two, as conceived of by libertarians, figure in as the main issue when it comes to justifying its major institutions, say: bequeathing, gifts, transactions (or what they label as “voluntary transfer”). The difficulty here boils down to the fact that a purely rights-based idea of freedom and voluntariness, the pretentions of Nozick notwithstanding, cannot do (...)
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    Apologii︠a︡ Sofistov: Reli︠a︡tivizm Kak Ontologicheskai︠a︡ Sistema.Igorʹ Nikolaevich Rassokha - 2009 - Kharʹkov: Kharkivsʹka Nat͡sionalʹna Akademii͡a Misʹkoho Hospodarstva.
    Sophists’ apologia. -/- Sophists were the first paid teachers ever. These ancient Greek enlighteners taught wisdom. Protagoras, Antiphon, Prodicus, Hippias, Lykophron are most famous ones. Sophists views and concerns made a unified encyclopedic system aimed at teaching common wisdom, virtue, management and public speaking. Of the contemporary “enlighters”, Deil Carnegy’s educational work seems to be the most similar to sophism. Sophists were the first intellectuals – their trade was to sell knowledge. They introduced a new type of teacher-student relationship – (...)
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  35.  92
    Scientific laws and scientific explanations: A differentiated typology.Igor Hanzel - 2008 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 15 (3):323-344.
    The paper tries to provide an alternative to C. G. Hempel’s approach to scientific laws and scientific explanation as given in his D-N model. It starts with a brief exposition of the main characteristics of Hempel’s approach to deductive explanations based on universal scientific laws and analyzes the problems and paradoxes inherent in this approach. By way of solution, it analyzes the scientific laws and explanations in classical mechanics and then reconstructs the corresponding models of explanation, as well as the (...)
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  36. Scientific law: On the history of one concept (CG Hempel).Igor Hanzel - 2007 - Filozofia 62 (9):801-812.
    The aim of this paper is to show the incompleteness of the exclusively logico-syntactical and logico-semantical approaches to one of the core issues of philosophy of science, namely, scientific laws and scientific explanation in C. G. Hempel’s works. I start with a brief exposition of the main characteristics of Hempel’s approach to deductive explanations based on universal scientific laws and then analyze the problems and paradoxes inherent in this approach. Next, I trace these characteristics back to Hempel’s and Carnap’s attempts (...)
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  37.  97
    Idealizations and Concretizations in Laws and Explanations in Physics.Igor Hanzel - 2008 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 39 (2):273-301.
    The paper tries to provide an alternative to Hempel’s approach to scientific laws and scientific explanation as given in his D-N model. It starts with a brief exposition of the main characteristics of Hempel’s approach to deductive explanations based on universal scientific laws and analyzes the problems and paradoxes inherent in this approach. By way of solution, it analyzes the scientific laws and explanations in classical mechanics and then reconstructs the corresponding models of explanation, as well as the types of (...)
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    Communication – that which befalls us.Igor Klyukanov - 2012 - Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 4 (1):15-27.
    The nature of communication can be theorized in many different ways, e.g. as ritual, storytelling, deliberation, rational argument, dissemination, articulation, translation, and even failure. In the present article communication is conceptualized as a (dialogic) process of conversation between the subject and the object as the Other; however, this conceptualization goes beyond its treatment as a simple reciprocal exchange of messages. First, a more nuanced and layered understanding of the role of the Other in communication is given; it is described what (...)
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  39.  15
    Dostoevsky's Christianity.Igor I. Evlampiev & Vladimir N. Smirnov - 2021 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 25 (1):44-58.
    The article refutes the widespread view that Dostoevsky's Christian beliefs were strictly Orthodox. It is proved that Dostoevsky's religious and philosophical searches' central tendency is the criticism of historical, ecclesiastical Christianity as a false, distorted form of the teaching of Jesus Christ and the desire to restore this teaching in its original purity. Modern researchers of the history of early Christianity find more and more arguments in favor of the fact that the actual teaching of Jesus Christ is contained in (...)
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    El rol del derecho internacional en la teoría fichteana del Estado y la propiedad.Arrese Igor Héctor Óscar - 2010 - Endoxa 26:43.
    En este trabajo intento mostrar, contra la tesis de D. James, que existe una relación de continuidad entre la teoría del derecho internacional del Fundamento del derecho natural y de El Estado comercial cerrado de Johann G. Fichte, basándome en dos razones. En primer lugar, en ambos textos la propiedad de los ciudadanos puede ser garantizada sólo si el Estado es soberano en relación con los demás para planificar su propia política económica. En segundo lugar, si bien en El Estado (...)
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    The aesthetics of Igor stravinsky.F. G. Asenjo - 1968 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 26 (3):297-305.
  42.  80
    Exploring intellectual humility through the lens of artificial intelligence: Top terms, features and a predictive model.Ehsan Abedin, Marinus Ferreira, Ritsaart Reimann, Marc Cheong, Igor Grossmann & Mark Alfano - 2023 - Acta Psychologica 238 (103979).
    Intellectual humility (IH) is often conceived as the recognition of, and appropriate response to, your own intellectual limitations. As far as we are aware, only a handful of studies look at interventions to increase IH – e.g. through journalling – and no study so far explores the extent to which having high or low IH can be predicted. This paper uses machine learning and natural language processing techniques to develop a predictive model for IH and identify top terms and features (...)
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  43. Measuring coherence.Igor Douven & Wouter Meijs - 2007 - Synthese 156 (3):405 - 425.
    This paper aims to contribute to our understanding of the notion of coherence by explicating in probabilistic terms, step by step, what seem to be our most basic intuitions about that notion, to wit, that coherence is a matter of hanging or fitting together, and that coherence is a matter of degree. A qualitative theory of coherence will serve as a stepping stone to formulate a set of quantitative measures of coherence, each of which seems to capture well the aforementioned (...)
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  44. Explaining the Success of Induction.Igor Douven - 2023 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 74 (2):381-404.
    It is undeniable that inductive reasoning has brought us much good. At least since Hume, however, philosophers have wondered how to justify our reliance on induction. In important recent work, Schurz points out that philosophers have been wrongly assuming that justifying induction is tantamount to showing induction to be reliable. According to him, to justify our reliance on induction, it is enough to show that induction is optimal. His optimality approach consists of two steps: an analytic argument for meta-induction (that (...)
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    Transforming Cognition and Human Society in the Digital Age.Igor Farkaš - forthcoming - Biological Theory:1-13.
    Since the onset of the digital revolution, humankind has experienced an unprecedented acceleration of changes triggered by technological advancements. Frequently used digital media have unquestionably penetrated our everyday life, shaping human cognition in multiple ways. The rise of artificial intelligence, which coevolved with a new, interdisciplinary field of cognitive science, has amplified these effects, contributing new ways of affecting human society, in terms of efficient human-machine interaction and knowledge generation and accumulation, at an exponential rate. Simultaneously, cultural shifts driven by (...)
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    Grounding Responsibility to Future Generations from a Kantian Standpoint.Igor Eterović - 2021 - Environmental Ethics 43 (4):315-337.
    The problem of responsibility to future generations is inherently related to responsibility for the environment. Attempting to provide a new grounding for the figuration of such responsibility, Hans Jonas used Immanuel Kant’s ethics as a paradigm of traditional ethics to provide a critique of their limitations in addressing these issues, and he found three crucial problems in Kant’s ethics. Kant’s philosophy provides enough material for an answer to Jonas by building an account which 1) gives a teleological grounding of responsibility (...)
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  47. Consciousness, Mathematics and Reality: A Unified Phenomenology.Igor Ševo - manuscript
    Every scientific theory is a simulacrum of reality, every written story a simulacrum of the canon, and every conceptualization of a subjective perspective a simulacrum of the consciousness behind it—but is there a shared essence to these simulacra? The pursuit of answering seemingly disparate fundamental questions across different disciplines may ultimately converge into a single solution: a single ontological answer underlying grand unified theory, hard problem of consciousness, and the foundation of mathematics. I provide a hypothesis, a speculative approximation, supported (...)
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  48. Informational Monism: A Phenomenological Perspective on the Nature of Information.Igor Ševo - manuscript
    Although a substantial number of papers is published on the topic of consciousness, there is still little consensus on what its nature is and how the physical and phenomenal worlds are connected. Most published research establishes a causal relation between the brain and the mind, but it lacks a cogent theory of how this relation comes to be. In contrast, this paper uses a set of thought experiments grounded in quantum information theory to derive a framework for resolving the hard (...)
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  49. Probabilistic Alternatives to Bayesianism: The Case of Explanationism.Igor Douven & Jonah N. Schupbach - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
    There has been a probabilistic turn in contemporary cognitive science. Far and away, most of the work in this vein is Bayesian, at least in name. Coinciding with this development, philosophers have increasingly promoted Bayesianism as the best normative account of how humans ought to reason. In this paper, we make a push for exploring the probabilistic terrain outside of Bayesianism. Non-Bayesian, but still probabilistic, theories provide plausible competitors both to descriptive and normative Bayesian accounts. We argue for this general (...)
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    Putting prototypes in place.Igor Douven - 2019 - Cognition 193 (C):104007.
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